
We always need books and media to sell, …..

If you would like to down-size those extra books, DVDs, or CDs, we take sale-able donations throughout the year.   We encourage you to continue in recycling your books and media with us.  You can bring your donations to the main desk at the library, or call the library to have a Friends volunteer picked up  your donations.

However, we have limited storage space.   As a result, we are asking that your paperbacks and hardbacks be in good condition.    Please, weed out out-dated material such as medical advice, financial advice, travel books, older or yellowed novels, etc.

We will continue to NOT accept encyclopedias, textbooks, VHS tapes, cassette tapes, or magazines but we will take those “old treasures” that might appeal to someone who collects old books.

The library can give you a statement of donation with a book count if you are interested in a tax write-off.


Throughout the years, various businesses and organizations have supported the Friends.  The Clock Tower Community Bank/Morton Community Bank has been a corporate sponsor for many years and most recently, underwritten the tent rental for our Heritage Days Book Sale.   The early morning Rotary Club continues to provide volunteers in setting up and taking down sales.

citizen'sFinancial donations are appreciated

Financial donations can be made through the membership form indicating the level of donation.    Special endowments  in estate planning are encouraged to go through the Macomb Public Library.